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Bridging the nursing shortage gap

Certified Medication Assistant
Ask about payment options 

Register now for this amazing opportunity to become a certified medication assistant and help with the nursing shortage. Tuition is now $425.00 just click the Pay Now button or help a student by paying their tuition or make a onetime donation. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page and use the Donate Now form to make a donation. Take the next step. For more information contact Sandra Thompson RN 678-778-8583 or Eric Brewer LPN 770-896-3590

Thank you for all your help 💕

pictures of two African American ladies and two African American men dressed in blue nursi


Our certified medication assistance program consists of a total of 24 classroom hours of theory, history, and labs, and 12 hours of med pass at a nursing facility

Medication Pass

We provide in house labs for our students which allows them the opportunity to be more familiar with passing medication before their clinicals. We also instruct our students on the importance of critical thinking

pictures of two African American ladies and two African American men and two white men dre
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